This man is not cut her nails since 1952!
This man is not cut her nails since 1952!

This man is not cut her nails since 1952!

A new Guinness World Record made ​​in India, the protagonist of this record has grown the fingernails of his left hand to the point where it reaches the extent of nearly a meter, is 77 years old and do not cut her nails since 1952. Everything It happened when she went to school to be small: one day he and a friend broke a fingernail of a professor who rebuked them bitterly. They did not understand why the professor is so angry and he as response told them that only they would understand if they had grown the nails for many years without ever cut.

But having the nails so long is a real problem, it is hard to do normal activities daily and there is always the risk that they may break. Certainly it sets a Guinness World Record, but for how long will resist the nail so long? They certainly would be awkward but for him it was a real proper to challenge since he was reprimanded by his teacher. Maybe continue to grow the nails and to continue his challenge and most likely will set a new record worldwide. A record really crazy, but over to be annoying these long nails will be useful for something? What do you think?thanks for watching this video clip .

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